At Stower Vale Pre-school we have a lunch club where children bring their own lunch boxes. Parents are encouraged to include a healthy balanced lunchbox. This is an opportunity for staff and children to sit down together eat their lunch and have conversation in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. The staff eat with the children and act as good role models.
All children are encouraged to be independent and to serve themselves, and help with the arrangements for setting up and clearing away meals.
Opportunities are taken to talk with children about healthy eating and to explore different types of food.
Snacks of fresh fruit, vegetables and milk are provided mid morning and mid afternoon. Allergens are clearly displayed on the daily snack menu. Fresh drinking water is always available in the setting and children are encouraged to drink regularly during the course of the day.
A variety of dietary requirements are catered for and the utmost care is taken to avoid exposing any child to a food to which he or she might be allergic.
All the staff receive basic food hygiene training to enable them to handle and serve food safely.
Staff will talk to parents/carers on admission about children’s dietary needs and if there are any food allergies that might affect them.