Newsletter Autumn Term – 2015 – 2
Toddler Visit
The toddler group will be visiting us on Wednesday 18th November for big painting and Wednesday 16th December for Christmas card decorating.
Committee Meeting
There will be a Committee Meeting on Thursday 12th November at 7.15pm in the School, everyone is welcome so please do come along.
After School Club
Please find attached the booking form for our After School Club, we do take last minute bookings if required with a minimum of one day’s notice.
Pre-school Uniform
Due to an increase in supplier costs we have been forced to increase the price of Pre-school uniforms to cover the cost. The new prices as from Monday 9th November are:-
Polo Shirts £8.50
Kit Bags£4.00
We would like to offer parents the choice to receive their half-termly, After School Club and Holiday Club invoicing via email. We believe this to be the most environmentally friendly and cost effective way to do this. If you are happy to receive your invoicing via email could you please fill in the attached form and return it to Pre-school as soon as possible. We will start this new form of invoicing in the Spring Term of 2016.
Christmas Fun
We will be having a Christmas party and a visit from Father Christmas on Friday 18th December (last day of term), the children will also be taking part in a Nativity Play during the morning and we hope that you will be able to join us. The fun will begin at 10.30am, please do come along with your child should he/she not normally attend on this day.
Term Dates
Last day of half term Friday 18th December
Back to Pre-school Monday 4th January
You can find a printable version of this newsletter here: Newsletter.doc