Stower Vale Pre-school
Newsletter Spring Term – 2016 – 1
Welcome back and a Happy New Year, we hope you all had lots of festive
Toddler Visit
The toddler group will be visiting us on Wednesday 27th January for big
painting and Wednesday 24th February for cake/biscuit decorating and
Wednesday 23rd March to make Easter cards.
Committee Meeting
There will be a Committee Meeting on Thursday 21st January at 7.15pm in
the School, everyone is welcome so please do come along.
Thank you to everyone who helped run Santa’s Grotto at the School
Christmas Fair, we raised £100. Also a huge thank you for selling so
many Christmas Raffle tickets which raised a fantastic £192 slimming pills that work. From
these proceeds we bought the children two new cameras, once they are
back in stock we will be buying two more. We also bought some new
hairdressing dolls, which the children have loved playing with.
We hope you have had a chance to look at our new website, latest
activities, term dates, Committee Meetings and fundraising will all be
on there so please keep an eye out.
Admissions Policy
Thank you to those who have returned the agreement slip, could you
please return if you have not already done so.
Winter Weather
Please ensure your child/ren have appropriate warm clothing for
outdoors, coats, hats, gloves (all named please).
In the event of snow and having to close the Pre-school we will add our
name to the list of School closures on The Breeze FM. If Stower Provost
Community School is closed we will also be closed.
Term Dates
Last day of half term Friday 12th February
Back to Pre-school Monday 22nd February