Stower Vale Pre-school
Newsletter Autumn Term – 2021 – 1
A big welcome back to Pre-school, and for those just starting with us it’s lovely to see lots of new faces and everyone settling in so well.
Annual General Meeting
To be held at Pre-school on Tuesday 12th October, please see separate letter for more details.
Meeting on Wednesday mornings 9.15am till 11.15am, exploring the lovely forest area on the school grounds and also joining in with lots of lovely activities in the spacious school hall. If you would like more information, please contact Sam through our Facebook page or speak to a member of staff.
Forest Area Visits
These visits will take place on the following days:-
Tuesday 21st September
Friday 1st October
Monday 4th October
Tuesday 12th October
Friday 22nd October
Please make a note of the dates that your child will visit the forest area and ensure they are wearing long trousers/leggings and long-sleeved tops (there are stinging nettles and thistles in the area), as well as weather appropriate clothing such as outdoor coats/sunhats, wellington boots, waterproofs and named water bottle. A list of the dates is also displayed next to the notice board in the lobby.
Please ensure your child/ren have appropriate clothing for outdoors with them every day, coats, welly boots, waterproofs etc.
Pre-school Portraits
Beki from Beki Young Photography will be visiting the Pre-school during the week beginning 4th October to take individual photographs of the children for keepsakes, these also make lovely gifts at Christmas time. The photographs will be taken outside and Beki is an amazingly talented photographer who specialises in taking less formal and more relaxed photographs, to learn more about Beki please visit her website
If you are happy for your child to have their photograph taken, please complete and return the attached slip. Beki will then send out your proofs closer to Christmas allowing you to order directly from her.
All About Your Child
We appreciate that children grow and their interests change, which is why we are asking parents/carers to complete a new All About Your Child form (unless your child has recently started with us), and return it to Pre-school as soon as possible. The form will be in the child’s pocket to take home, thank you.
Dates for the Diary
AGM – 12th October
Forest Area Visits – 21st September, 1st 4th 12th 22nd October
Photographs – w/b 4th October
Last day of term – Friday 22nd October
Back to Pre-school – Monday 1st November
Please note all term dates and activity days are also posted on the Pre-school website
Leavers Photo
I give permission for my child ………………………………………………… be photographed by Beki Young Photography.
Parent/Carer signature ……………………………………………………………….