Stower Vale Pre-school
Newsletter Spring Term – 2021 – 2
Summer Term
Thank you for your responses to the email regarding the dates of the Summer Term, we can now confirm that these will be:-
Last day of Spring term – Wednesday 31st March
Children return to Pre-school – Monday 19th April
Last day of Summer term – Friday 23rd July
If you child is eligible for funding in the Summer Term we have put the funding forms in their pockets for you to complete and return to Pre-school as soon as possible. Please ensure when filling in the form that you put your child’s full name, as on their Birth Certificate, and your full address, as on your Council Tax bill, thank you.
If you are eligible for 30 hour funding it is important to apply now so that you are able to use the extended hours in the Summer Term, you need to have received your 30 hour code before the 31st March. Any queries please let us know.
Forest Area Visits
These visits will take place at 9.30am on the following days:-
Tuesday 2nd March
Monday 8th March
Tuesday 16th March
Monday 22nd March
Tuesday 30th March
Please make a note of the dates that your child will visit the forest area and ensure they are wearing long trousers/leggings and long-sleeved tops (there are stinging nettles and thistles in the area), as well as weather appropriate clothing such as outdoor coats/sunhats, wellington boots and named water bottle. A list of the dates are also displayed next to the notice board in the lobby.
World Book Week
We are holding World Book Week from Monday 1st March. If your child wishes they can come to Pre-school dressed as their favourite book characters throughout the week (please ensure these dressing-up clothes are washed before wearing them to Pre-school). We are asking that no books are brought into Pre-school this year but please do share your favourite books with us on Tapestry so that we can share these with the children. You can take short videos reading with your child at home or photographs of your child/ren with their special books, thank you.
Parent Questionnaire
We would be grateful for your feedback about the Pre-school, your views are very important to us and help us to continue to grow and improve our wonderful setting. A Parent/carer Questionnaire will be in your child’s pocket, please fill this in and return it to the box in the lobby, your responses are entirely confidential.
Easter Activities
We will be offering lots of fun Easter Activities during the last week of the Spring Term, with lots of arts and crafts, baking and Easter Egg Hunts so please keep a lookout on Tapestry.
Dates for the Diary
Forest Area Visits – 2nd, 8th, 16th, 22nd and 30th March
World Book Week – w/b 1st March
Last day of term – Wednesday 31st March
Back to Pre-school – Monday 19th April
Please note all term dates and activity days are also posted on the Pre-school website