Committee Meeting
Our next Committee Meeting will be on Monday 15th May 2023 at 7.15pm in preschool.
Forest Area Visits
We would like to begin visits to the forest area this term, please ensure your child has appropriate warm clothing, coat, gloves, hat etc., together with a named water bottle. The dates we are aiming to visit this term are:-
Monday 27th February 9.30am
Tuesday 7th March 9.30am
Wednesday 15th March 2pm
Thursday 23rd March 12.30pm
Friday 31st March 9.30am
The visits are weather permitting and after risk assessing to ensure the area is safe to visit.
World Book Week
We are holding World Book Week from Monday 27th February. If your child wishes they can come to Pre-school dressed as their favourite book characters throughout the week and bring in some favourite books to share with their friends. We will send home the book token this week.
Parent Questionnaire
Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out the quick online questionnaire about pre-school, we really do appreciate your feedback. As a continuous way to improve we have put a letter box on the inside of the fence next to the main gate, you can then share your views with us all year round.
Unicef – Science of Play
Unicef have published some useful information about the ‘science of play’, how children learn and how yourselves as parents/carers can support them at home. Please follow the link below for further information
Last day of term – Friday 31st March
Back to preschool on Monday 17th April
Please note all term dates and activity days are also posted on the Pre-school website