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Newsletter Summer Term – 2022 – 2

Newsletter Summer Term – 2022 – 2
June 8, 2022 Dorset Tech

Forest Area Visits

These visits will take place on the following days (weather permitting):-


Friday 10th June

         Monday 13th June

         Tuesday 21st June

         Friday 1st July

         Monday 4th July

         Tuesday 12th July


Please ensure your child/ren have long sleeved tops and also trousers or leggings on these days as the forest area does sometimes have stinging nettles or other plants which may irritate the skin.  Also, a named water bottle for your child/ren, thank you.


AGM + Committee Meeting

The Pre-school’s AGM will be held on Tuesday, 11th October at 7.15pm, followed by our first Committee Meeting of the year.  If you would like to join our friendly Committee, do please come along to the meeting or email Sam (Committee Chair) [email protected] for more information.   Without a Committee we would not be able to run the Pre-school, your support is much appreciated.



A reminder to please ensure you apply sun cream to your child/ren before coming into Pre-school now we will hopefully get more sunny days.



Please no open-toe sandals or shoes at Pre-school, children need to wear closed toe shoes or trainers.


As part of your child’s development, we encourage all children to do as much as they can for themselves, i.e., put on their own shoes, therefore try to send your child/ren to Pre-school in shoes that they can fasten themselves, i.e., pull on or velcro – please try to avoid lace-up shoes, thank you.


Drop-off / pick-up time

Since introducing drop-off / pick-up at the Pre-school entrance we have had positive feedback regarding the new routine, many parents/carers are finding their child/ren are coming in more smoothly in the morning as it is quicker for parents and also less distressing for children who can find this time of day a challenge when leaving parents/carers.  From the Pre-school’s perspective the children are settling in much quicker and are more independent with their morning routine, popping their lunchboxes away and washing their hands, which is such a positive skill to learn especially as they move on to school.  We try to be as flexible as possible to take into account children’s different needs, please do speak to us should you feel your child is struggling in any way or if there is anything we can do to help.



Beki Young Photography

Beki will be coming into Pre-school on Monday 20th June at 9am to take the leavers photograph.  If your child is not attending on this day and is leaving us at the end of the summer term to move on to school, please bring them in for their individual and group photograph with their year group.  If you would like your child to be included, please let us know via email or return the slip below.



We are very happy for children to bring in a special toy or book from home when they attend Pre-school, please however could you limit this to one per child as we are finding a lot of toys coming in and it can be a challenge for staff to ensure these don’t get lost or broken and are returned safely at the end of the day.  We would recommend not sending in toys that are small and can easily be lost or toys that are especially treasured by your child/ren, thank you.


Easy Fundraising

A reminder to please support Pre-school by using the Easy Fundraising page when ordering online, this is a great way for Pre-school to raise extra funds and does not cost you a penny extra.  The Easy Fundraising link can be found at the bottom of our website homepage or you can download the app for your phone, there are lots of helpful information on their website so please do have a look and sign up.  This term we received a payment of £60.00 which has been added to our fundraising for the year, used to buy activities for the children.


Sports Day, Leavers Presentation and Picnic

This year we will be holding the sports day, leavers presentation and picnic on Tuesday 12th July at 10.30am, this year we thought not holding it on the last day of term would give us more scope to change the day should it rain.  All parents/carers are invited to attend and watch their child/ren join in with some fun activities and say a fond farewell to the children who will be moving on to ‘big’ school.  Our lovely Committee are making cakes for the parents/children and Buttercup Bites will be catering for the children, along with some nibbles for parents/carers.  So, no lunchboxes needed on that day if your child is staying for the afternoon session.  We hope you will be able to join us!


Please note all term dates and activity days are also posted on the Pre-school website