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Newsletter Summer Term – 2023 – 2

Newsletter Summer Term – 2023 – 2
June 6, 2023 Dorset Tech

Committee Meeting

Our next Committee Meeting will follow our AGM on Tuesday 10th October 2023 at 7pm in preschool.


As this academic year nears the end, we would like to ask any parents/carers who would be interested in joining our committee in September to please let us know.  The role of each committee member is vital – without you the preschool, as a registered charity, would cease.  It is not an arduous role, we meet 3-4 times per year, our meetings are relaxed and friendly and you gain an insight into the way the preschool operates.  Please do not hesitate in speaking to either Sam Wattridge (Chairperson) or Claire at pre-school if you can support us by becoming a committee member


Forest Area Visits

Forest area visits this term, please ensure your child has appropriate clothing, long sleeved top and trousers, leggings or tights so that arms and legs are covered.  Children will not be taken down to the forest area in short sleeve tops or skirts due to stinging nettles etc.  Please ensure your child has a named water bottle.


         Thursday 15th June 9.30am

         Friday 23rd June 2pm

         Monday 26th June 2pm

         Tuesday 4th July 9.30am

         Wednesday 12th July 9.30am


The visits are weather permitting and after risk assessing to ensure the area is safe to visit.



Please ensure your child has suncream applied before coming to preschool, we will reapply during the day, unless you inform us that the suncream applied gives all day protection.  Please also remember named sunhats please.  No open-toed shoes/sandals or flipflops, socks are also a must due to the bark area so please ensure your child has socks on or a pair in their bag, thank you.


Stower Provost Community School

For those children who are leaving us and moving on to Stower Provost Community School, we will place a box of second-hand uniform out from w/b 12th June for three weeks, please leave a donation for the PTFA for items taken, thank you.


Pre-school safety

The pre-school gate is locked during session times but we would just like to remind all parents/carers when entering and leaving the premises to please ensure that the gate is shut at all times by pulling the latch firmly across. Thank you for your continued support.


Teddy Bears Picnic

The toddler group and school reception class will be joining us on Wednesday 21st June at 10am for a teddy bears picnic on the school field.  If your child attends on that day please do bring along a special toy/teddy to join us for our picnic snack.


Leavers Presentation/Sports Day/Picnic

 We will be holding this on Tuesday 11th July at 10.30am on the school field.  This is our end of year event, all children are invited along with families to join us for some fun sports games, we will then hold a leavers presentation to say goodbye to the children who are leaving pre-school, followed by a picnic lunch at pre-school (food will be provided).  We hope you can all join us, and fingers crossed for some sunshine.  Lunchboxes will not be needed on this day, please bring in a water bottle, thank you.

Last day of term – Friday 21st July

Back to preschool on 4th September


Please note all term dates and activity days are also posted on the Pre-school website